Delcia's Blog

Welcome to my blog where I intend to share with you anything interesting about Chakra Psychology - both my own journey and experiences and what is happening with my courses.

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  1. Throat Chakra - Artwork by Delcia McNeil - Psychotherapist, Supervisor, Mentor, Healer, Artist

    This post continues with our Beauty and the Chakras theme.  We’ve reached the Throat – that part of us where we can often hold conflict between what we think and what we feel.  Here is what my Throat Chakra gave me when I meditated on it.  Personally I think it’s a bit bossy  – not like me of course!!??!!:

    I am your Throat Chakra speaking about Beauty.  Stay with me for I have words which can strike to the heart of what your Heart Chakra told you about Beauty.

    Here at the throat we express ourselves, often communicating with words.   Speaking about Beauty is like allowing Beauty itself to trickle down through the throat and allowing itself to spray its light and laughter out from your lungs and mouth.  Heart and throat become one in this expression, for the Beauty in your heart cannot help but beam out into the world.

    I am the vehicle for your feelings and your thoughts.  I am the bridge between them.  It is my job to make sure you both express this outwardly and receive reflection back from your outside world. This then in turn reinforces the messages you are giving to yourself on the inside.  Make these positive messages and your quality of life is enhanced, make them negative and you suffer.

    Beauty is positive.  Make sure you create plenty of it in your life and talk, listen, write, sing, be creative with it.

  2. What has Wimbledon got to do with the Chakras?

    I was watching the Men's final yesterday with some friends (and eating plenty of strawberries and cream!) After it was finally all over (what a slog!) I remarked that the players must have very strong, balanced Chakras.  One of my friends suggested I write a post for my blog, so here it is!  This is what I came up with: 

    • Root Chakra is for absolute physical peak performance
    • Sacral Chakra for flowing movement and emotional control
    • Solar Plexus Chakra for self belief 
    • Heart Chakra for good sportsmanship
    • Throat Chakra for being able to do an interview straight after the match in what is usually not the player's mother tongue 
      Brow Chakra for the vision of being able to win 
    • Crown Chakra for believing in a 'higher force' - ever seen how often players show gratitude, look up to 'heaven' or cross themselves?

    Any of your feedback thoughts on this would be very welcome.