On-line Group Sessions

Archetypes, Sub-personalities & the Chakras

Use your chakras to access parts of yourself you didn’t realise you had …        Tuesday 29 October 2024,   2 - 4pm on Zoom

  • find out what sub-personalities and archetypes actually are -  learn about the difference between them.
  • Using your Chakra system explore how helpful they are for understanding ourselves and our behaviour.
  • and gain insight,
  • raise your vibration, and
  • deepen your understanding of yourself.

Meditative processes will be recorded and be available for your personal use after the workshop.  There will be a maximum of 16 participants.

The fee is £39. To book email Delcia at [email protected]    She will then contact you with payment details.

The Power of Art: How helpful is imagery for Chakra health & Energy Healing?

Tuesday 6 August 6.30-8.30pm

The focus of this workshop is the use of imagery in healing. We will discuss and explore experientially the energetic and emotional effects of using creative visualisation, looking at paintings, and understanding symbols and their impact on our chakra system and energy field.

We will broaden the workshop out into considering what kind of imagery really excites, interests and helps us to feel uplifted or touched in some way.  Art is all around us.  There is beauty in every line, shape, texture, and colour that we see.  We are light beings and it is light that gives us colours.  It is also the contrast of light and dark that excites us and draws our attention.

Each individual person interprets what they see differently – we project our own inner worlds on to what we see.  And of course individual tastes in art generally vary enormously.  Delcia will be sharing some of her own artwork from her recent exhibition ‘From spirit into matter’ as an exploratory resource for visualisation.

Meditative processes will be recorded and be available for your personal use after the workshop.

This workshop is for healers and therapists, and those committed to their own personal development journey.   The fee is £39.  To book your place email Delcia at [email protected]  She will then contact you with payment details.

Money as a form of energy – how can the Chakras help? Tuesday 5 March 2024, 6.30 – 8.30pm DUE TO POPULAR DEMAND THIS WORKSHOP IS BEING REPEATED ON TUESDAY 16 APRIL 2024, 6.30 - 8.30PM

What are the main money issues that affect you?  Do you spend too much time worrying about money?  Do you try and avoid thinking about it?  Do you feel out of control around it, or stuck in some way, or fear for the domestic or global economy?  Our issues regarding money tend to be complicated and long-standing, and our relationship to it has important consequences for the quality of our lives.

The Chakras are like huge databases and when you connect with them, ask the right kind of questions, and allow the Chakra to reveal its wisdom to you, you receive insights and help way beyond what your conscious mind can give you.  You can overcome difficulties in your relationship to money and feel emotionally and physically better through shifting your thinking, mood state, and felt experience.  This translates into actual changes around the substance of money itself.

In this workshop we will explore how our unconscious beliefs about money have an energetic effect on our physical bodies and mood state. We will work with the Chakra system to help us become more aware of what may be limiting or hurting us in respect of our relationship to money. We will go through a meditative process that will be recorded and emailed to you after the workshop.

A basic awareness of the Chakra system is required for this workshop.  The fee is £39.      To book your place email Delcia at [email protected]

Money & Chakras: artwork by Delcia

Tuesday 5 December, 2-4pm

Strengthening your Human Energy Field - the space around you really counts!

Do you ever think about the energetic space immediately around you - a cocoon like shape surrounding your physical body?  Nowadays this phenomenon is referred to as the Human Energy Field (HEF). It has different patterns and vibrationsand used to be referred to as the Aura.  Made up of subtle energies, it comprises a number of layers, each associated with a specific Chakra, and relating to different levels of our being - spiritual, mental, emotional and physical.

From a scientific perspective in a few decades scientists have gone from a conviction that there is no such thing as an energy field around the human body, to an absolute certainty that it exists.  The main reason for the change in outlook is that sensitive instruments have been developed that can detect these very subtle energy fields, ie. the HEF can now be measured.

In this workshop we will reflect on some of the scientific research in this area, share experiences of working with HEFs, both in our own personal work and in our work as healers (if we are practising), and explore the traditional model of the layering of this field and how the Chakras fit into it.

I will then take you through a process of protecting, clearing, and balancing the space around and within you to help you keep yourself stronger, safer and healthier. This meditative process will be recorded and emailed to you after the workshop.

A basic awareness of the Chakra system is required for this workshop.  The fee is £38.      To book your place email Delcia at [email protected]

Holding the Light & the Chakras

Those of us who are on the healing path regularly talk about light – often white light – as part of what we believe can help to sustain us and others.  We do our own personal healing work to bring into the light the darkness of our own inner pains and traumas. We consciously focus on holding light around ourselves, other people, or places.  We also bring light through us.  But what do we really mean by this and how do we continue to hold light when we are externally surrounded by the darkness of uncertainty, negativity, anxiety, and news of destruction and violence? 

I believe we have a responsibility to ‘hold the light’ because if healer types of people can’t then who can?  Even if we may be struggling in our own personal lives we owe it to ourselves, to others and to the world, to keep connected to hope and belief in ultimate goodness.

In this workshop we will explore what I refer to as ‘spiritual optimism’.  As well as ‘holding the light’ this involves the power of intention, the need for consistent hope, and a steady groundedness which is coupled with vision.  We will use the Chakra system to give us a powerful way of locating and defining spiritual optimism, most especially focussing on the upper chakra centres.  This can help us develop and build strong light for all levels of our being.  You will be guided through a chakra visualisation process which will be recorded and made available to you as a resource for after the workshop.

A basic awareness of the Chakra system is required for this workshop.  The fee is £38.      To book your place email Delcia at [email protected]


The strength & power of white light is evident as it contrasts with the darkness. See more of Delcia's artwork at https://delciamcneil.artweb.com

Resilience & the Chakras

Tuesday 6 June 2023   6.30 - 8.30pm

The dictionary definition of resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.  It’s also the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape.   Resilience is vital to our survival, and species that survive are those able to adapt.

We have all been through the difficulties of the pandemic and continue with the worries of all that is happening in the world – far and near  eg. the cost of living crisis, the war in Ukraine, climate change and much more.  The physical and psychological health for many is compromised.  We need strong immune systems and the mental capacity to work through emotional pain and suffering.  Tapping into our innate sources of personal strengths and support systems is really important right now.

The Chakra system gives us a powerful structure of spiritual energy throughout our bodies.  This can help us develop and build resilience on all levels of our being.  In this workshop we will explore what different forms of resilience there are, and in what ways we can develop and build more of this kind of strength.   You will be guided through a chakra resilience visualisation process which will be recorded and made available to you as a resource for after the workshop.

 A basic awareness of the Chakra system is required for this workshop.  The fee is £38.      To book your place email Delcia at [email protected]


Root Chakra strength - digital painting

Managing anxiety through the Chakras

Tuesday 7 March, 2 – 4pm

One definition of anxiety is 'a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome' - exactly what we are living with right now eg. the cost of living crisis, the war in Ukraine, climate change and much more. 

Each of us manages natural feelings of anxiety in different ways and each of our seven major chakras produce their own vibrational response.  This gives us information about how we are experiencing anxiety, and, more importantly, offers us ways in which we can transform discomfort into feeling more at ease. Since anxiety is disorganised energy, it can be helped to become more harmonious through greater alignment.

In this workshop we will explore what anxiety is, how we experience it, and what ways we can manage and heal it.   You will be guided through a chakra visualisation process to help you feel safer, more supported, more comfortable, and more empowered.  The meditation process will be available to you as a resource for after the workshop, plus a written handout.

The fee for this workshop is £38.      To book your place email Delcia at [email protected]




Colour Colour Colour
on-line session
Wednesday 13 October, 5.30-7pm  

I ran this Chakra and Colour workshop on the same date last year.  You are welcome to join us whether it is new to you or you wish to repeat it.  There will be a maximum of eight participants, and we meet on zoom.  This is an opportunity to:

  • Share thoughts, feelings  and preferences about colour with people 'on your wavelength'
  • Explore the meanings of different colours and the Chakras associated with them
  • Receive information about what colour actually is and how it can be used for healing 
  • Experience a meditative visualisation process to help heal and strengthen your Chakra system using colour 
  • Receive a recording of the visualisation process together with some written information

Cost:  £25
For booking and payment details email Delcia [email protected]

Paint Your Art Out on-line
Saturdays 6 November 2021,
15 January & 19 February 2022, 2-5.30pm

I believe we will continue to need the healing power of colour and creativity to help us when the dark autumn/winter days arrive and we are likely to be managing the ongoing Covid situation.  This is a unique opportunity to take part in a small group interactive workshop in which you will express yourself through drawing or painting.  We will be using the zoom platform.
Some benefits: 

  • The use of meditation and creative visualisation to help heal yourself
  • The value of exploring whatever issue is most pressing for you right now
  • Receive the healing benefits from immersing yourself in colour, shapes & textures
  • Receive the benefits of playfulness
  • Have the opportunity to process any difficult feelings or thoughts that you would like to be free of
  • Create an image that you can continue to use as a healing resource for after the workshop
  • Connect with kindred spirits
  • And most of all enjoy yourself!

There will be six participants and there are just two spaces left.  The cost is £49 per session with a commitment to all three sessions.
Here are some comments from previous on-line workshops: 
"I feel very relaxed.  I really enjoyed it.  I feel calm."  "It was a really positive experience."
"It strengthened my sense of myself."  "I’ve never experienced anything like it."
"I’m really pleased to have been given another way into having a sense of myself."  "It’s nice to feel grounded."











Resilience, Chakras & 'Holding the Light'.       
Tuesday 16th March 5.30-7pm (UK time) 2021

We are at a stage with this pandemic that is demanding a kind of resilience that I doubt many of us have needed to find in our lives before. 

This session will be an opportunity to:

  • share your thoughts on the ‘Covid-19 bigger picture’ with like-minded people
  • explore the learning that is taking place personally, socially and spiritually
  • do some personal chakra focussed work to strengthen your resilience
  • explore the shift of solar plexus and heart chakra energies 
  • experience a meditative process which I will talk you through (recorded and emailed to you after the session).

Booking & Payment:
We will be meeting using the Zoom on-line platform. There will be a maximum of ten participants.  The cost of the session is just £25. You can pay via BACs (bank details provided on booking) or PayPal by using.  Contact me for details.   If neither of these ways of making payment is possible for you let me know. 
Booking is on a first come first served basis. Email me at [email protected]  and let me know if you wish to join us.   I will send you an email with the zoom link the day before the meeting.  

Read more https://www.chakrapsychology.co.uk/delciablog


Money & the Chakras
Thursday 3 September 5-6.30pm (UK time) 2020

We are living in difficult times regarding income and financial security.  Many of us are living on much less money and re-evaluating what actually matters to us in our material lives.  The chakras are like huge databases and when you connect with them, ask the right kind of questions, and allow the chakra to reveal its wisdom to you, you receive insights and help way beyond what your conscious mind can give you.  You can overcome difficulties in your relationship to money and feel emotionally and physically better through shifting your thinking, mood state, and felt experience.  This can help you manage these uncertains times and create the money that you need.


Colour, Colour, Colour
Tuesday 11 August, 5-6.30pm 2020

The therapeutic power of colour cannot be underestimated.  As a phenomenon colour is about vibrations of light and emissions of energy.  Colours affect every cell of our bodies.  The Chakras can be described as lens-like structures that pull in and strengthen the light that is all around us, each one resonating with a specific colour.   In this session we will focus on how colour helps us heal, manage anxiety, protect ourselves, and improves our wellbeing.  I will talk you through a colour healing process.

As an added benefit each meditative visualisation process will be recorded and emailed to you as a resource for you to continue to use if you wish to. 

Booking & Payment:
We will be meeting using the Zoom on-line platform. I will take a maximum of ten participants.  The cost of the session is just £25. You can pay via BACs (bank details provided on booking) or PayPal by using.  Contact me for details.   If neither of these ways of making payment is possible for you let me know. 
Booking for each session is on a first come first served basis. Email me at [email protected]  and let me know if you wish to join us.   I will send you an email with the zoom link the day before the meeting.  You can ‘arrive’ at the meeting up to ten minutes before it is due to start, and I will be there.