Chakra Psychology Workshops & Courses

Paint Your Art Out

This is a unique opportunity to take part in a small group interactive workshop in which you will express yourself through drawing or painting.  We use the zoom platform.  It is not about producing wonderful works of art.  Rather it is about using art as therapy. Here are some benefits: 

  • The use of meditation and creative visualisation to help heal yourself
  • Connect with kindred spirits and get confidential emotional support within the group
  • Receive the healing benefits from immersing yourself in colour, shapes & textures
  • Get some technical drawing/painting help if you would like it
  • Receive the benefits of playfulness
  • Have the opportunity to process any difficult feelings or thoughts that you would like to be free of
  • Get value from exploring spiritual forms of art such as mandalas and the chakra system
  • Create an image that you can continue to use as a healing resource for after the session
  • And most of all enjoy yourself!

For details of time and costs email Delcia.  

Click on the links below to find out more about the various Chakra Psychology courses and workshops offered face to face and on-line:

In-depth Chakra Psychology Course by Delcia McNeil - Psychotherapist Supervisor, Mentor, Healer, Artist

Learn the theory, experience the energies, explore personal history, develop awareness, apply knowledge...

Delcia offers the opportunity to do this course on-line individually.  If choose to do this you can, if you wish, include additional counselling sessions as we go through the issues associated with each Chakra.  Contact Delcia for more details.

Family Constellations and the Chakras Logo - Course by Delcia McNeil - Psychotherapist Supervisor, Mentor, Healer, Artist

A powerful form of therapy that helps to heal inter-generational trauma.   Delcia is no longer running these groups but will work on-line on a one to one basis using her experience of working with constellations and the chakras.

Money and Chakras Online Workshop by Delcia McNeil - Psychotherapist Supervisor, Mentor, Healer, Artist

A workshop exploring the connections between money & the chakras, helping solve your difficulties with money using the intelligent wisdom of the chakras.  This workshop can be made available on-line.

On-line Group Sessions - Advanced Chakra Psychology Study with Delcia McNeil - Psychotherapist Supervisor, Mentor, Healer, Artist

Exciting small group sessions of one and a half or two hours in length.